Everything has been going good. These new exercises have reawakened what it feels like to really strain and burn.
Patrick talked to us about the need for mental focus, something I have always agreed with. But I'm glad he drew my attention back to it because I admit I was starting to rush through and not focus on my exercises. So back to focusing on the muscle to really get a a good "pump."
Not to mention the sheer power of the brain to increase performance. They have found in studies that those who mentally rehearse 20 free-throws, then shoot 20 free-throws, do extremely better than those who do not rehearse, and do just as well as if not sometimes better than those that do 20 practice shots then 20 that count. Crazy huh?
So anyway, Jereme Sanders. I'll be honest I don't know much about him but I have really enjoyed all of the work he has done making videos on "Unconventional Training Grounds" for Americanparkour.com. (For those who haven't checked it out go now! APK is the best site ever and Mike Toorock who is in charge of that site has done a wonderful job with PK awareness and community. Check it out!) Haha I should be sponsored. I think he has bee practicing for 4 years.
So enjoy the videos below. One is his 2008 sampler of some of his highlights. No I cannot believe the wall run at the end of the video either. Yes the way must be 15 feet high. And yes he takes 2 giant steps up it to climb over.
The second video is one of his "Unconventional Training Grounds" series. Where he has done a great job infusing me with creativity for training. I have often ignored much of the places right around where I live thinking it's not quality PK training areas. BUT Jereme has done a great showing you can do it. Anywhere. And I think the creativity is certainly PCP worthy.
Enjoy! and have a good one.
Yeah, looks like pretty much anything that sticks out of the ground can be Parkoured on. I've got to find a club around here. Tokyo parkour would be off the hook.
You can demonstrate the mental focus thing to yourself very easily. Hold you arm out to your side, swing it back as far as it will go and note the position. Then close your eyes and imagine it swinging back much further. Then raise your arm again and repeat with your eyes closed. When you open them, you will find that you arm actually has moved back further than the first time, just because you impaged it would.
Awesome videos Nate. Thanks! I know how helpful it can be to rehearse certain things. I used to do it a lot when I played basketball, and I'm pretty sure it helped. I could make three pointers with my eyes closed back then!
Thanks for the support man? Really glad to hear that what I'm putting out there is helping people like it was meant to
Keep training!
Nice moves, and nice videos!
Patrick - Hope you find a club that would be awesome
Tim - That's really cool I'll have to try it
A - Yea that's so cool that mental rehearsal helps. Lucid Dreaming is awesome for that too!
Jereme - Hey that's awesome you stopped over! I really love the work you do and you really are doing a lot to encourage people. Congrats at entering the Tribe over at APK. You deserve it!
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