Thursday, September 11, 2008

Summary of The Past Few Days

So I have a lot to talk about as promised so here is a long post. Enjoy it in stages if you want.

SECTION 1 - New Measurements
Weight - 141lbs (down 3lbs)
Waist - 30.75" (down .75")
Stomach - 30" (down 2.25")
Chest - 35.5" (down .5")
Thighs - 20" (Same)
Calves - 13.25" (Down .25")
Biceps - 12.2" (Down .25")
Forearms - 10" (down .5")

Notes: I am really surprised over all about the general decrease in measurements while I only went down 3 lbs. That shows I think that I have been putting on muscle mass. My waist/belly shrunk a lot and I can really tell from my clothes. Which ironically both Patrick and Sean posted about this right about now. I take the measurements without first looking at the old ones so I'm not tempted to suck it in. So I am genuinely surprised at this. But looking at the pictures I have gone from have straight lines like this | | on my sides to tapers in like this ) (. Coolness!

SECTION 2: New Diet

Breakfast: 100g carb, 100g veg, 2 eggs, 150ml yogurt (Up 1 egg)
Morning Tea: 80g fruit (Same)
Lunch: 100g carb, 120g meat, 150g veg (down 30g meat)
Afternoon Tea: 80g fruit (Same)
Dinner: 2 egg white, 1 apple, 1 banana, 150ml milk, 1 spoonful cooked rice or granola (up the spoonful rice/granola)
Night Tea: 50g veg, 1 egg white (down 150ml milk, up 50g veg)
Before Workout: 50g carb

Notes: Over all I am eating more. I'm up 1 egg, 50g veg, 1 spoonful carb-like substance, and 50g carb. But I am only down 30g meat, 150ml yogurt. So I am basically going to consume 3 dozen eggs this week. INSANE! On top of that I find it interesting that Patrick recently stressed that we should never cut our protein portion but it's ok if we (once in a blue-moon) miss some carbs or veggies. But protein is what got cut and carbs and veggie went up! But it's cool I trust them and I am gonna stick to it! Patrick assures me that as soon as my Body fat percentage drops muscles will rip through! And it seems that way since my dimensions have dropped but my weight hasn't much. My muscle are waiting right under the surface!

So I was going to post everything about my indulgence which was very interesting but I certainly want a whole post to share my happenings and observations along with photos. So I'm going to save that for my Saturday post. Tomorrow comes workouts. I am pretty tired and want to go read and rest before bed so good night! Rest well world!


Adrian and Emiko said...


Keep it up man! I wonder if the rice or granola applies to me and Tim as well? I'd rather have a spoonful of granola than have to cook up some rice only to eat a spoonful.


Tim said...


I think so but it is easy for me to go with the rice and for the past few years I&ve kept the gluten in my diet as low as I can so I pass on the granola and just scoop some rice out of the rice cooker.

You guys seem happener with other carbs though.

Amy said...

Lookin good! As one of my co-workers said, it looks like you lost way more than three pounds.

Patrick said...

Muscle weighs 15% more than fat so a three pound loss while simultaneously building muscle actually would come out to something like 6 pounds of fat loss. Nice job dude.

Nate said...

Thanks guys for the encouragement! And that's awesome news thanks Patrick!