Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 20!

So all the past PCPers have talked about how silly it is to mark any specific "day" with importance. Toward the end of Patrick's project it's not like he was any more "fit" in a day-to-day change. However days do make milestones for some reason and I feel like day 20 is the first big one! I mean 20 days! I don't know what it is but I feel great we have made it this far. I think a lot in numbers so I think our 90 days are broken up into 9 10 day sections (this is all in my brain not real PCP stats here) and that 2 of those sections are already behind me is awesome and crazy. 70 days seems like so much less than 90. And even 90 right now seems like nothing. I am really feeling it and I just want to keep rocking the PCP!

So I wanted to take a second and share with you some awesomely sweet benefits of the PCP. I was re-reading some of Patrick's journey. (I can't believe the stuff that changed and how much the program has evolved and what he (and we) have all learned) But he was talking in one post about how he has more money. So here I am going to explain that benefit and others.

1. Mindfulness - So with the PCP we do not drink our calories. Not buying alcoholic beverages, 4-8$ coffee drinks, and stuff out of vending machines saves money. Instead we drink a lot of just water! Which of course is free or very very very cheap. Every day at work I buy a 1.5L bottle for $1.05. Not bad. Also all the food we buy is fresh and "real" food. Nothing really spoils or goes bad since you have to shop more frequently for fresh produce. Also you aren't forced to buy quantities of things that you don't need. Fresh fish, veggies, fruit etc are weighed by pound. You get what you need, Period. Also we don't snack, so no grabs off the counter just to eat. I used to spend (a few months ago as I changed some habits pre-PCP) $5-8 a day at work on drinks and food, sometimes more. Being mindful saves money!

2. No Gym - We don't waste our money on gyms and fancy equipment because we have our body weight and when necessary simple tools to help us improve. So much cheaper, easier and quicker. No driving to the gym, no membership fee, no fancy running shoes, etc. 

3. Your Teeth - When you don't eat things with sugar preservatives and phosphorous you are doing wonders for your teeth. Voila! No cavities to fill! I realized today at the dentist that (although I don't floss as much as I should) what really saved me from having a terrible visit, that was much later from the last visit it should have been, is the fact I don't consume enemies of my teeth. No cavities = no dental bills.

4. No Addictions - We don't eat things with sugars and fats and unnatural amounts of caffeine that literally make you addicted and compulsively buy more and more. Not to mention someone in PC wouldn't smoke and/or have any other unhealthy addictions (aka drugs and alcohol).

5. Future Health - Although there are more things I could list this covers most. David in one of his lasts post quoted someone who said "Those who say the don't have time for fitness now, will have to find time for illness later." And let me tell you, Working at a pharmacy I see this a lot. Every single day. Always. What we are doing for ourselves is amazing. We are giving ourselves the liberties to not be burdened by unhealthiness and the costs that surround it. Not to mention my generation may very well have no hope of assisted retirement and will probably have to work until we drop. So again with the PCP you will wear out not rust out and be trapped inside a body that won't do what you know you should be capable of, if only you took better care of yourself. Bring it on! I can deal with a prescription/surgery free future!

So anyway I am ravenous. To the point I feel I missed a meal. Off to drink my milk! Good night!

P.S. - Another new record 372 jumps in a row!


Tim said...

Nate, your enthusiam is amazing.

Nate said...

Thanks Tim!

Patrick said...

Yeah, the cash savings are a nice touch. And when you do spend on food you get so much more for your money. My eco-bag is always overflowing and so heavy it makes my bicycle hard to steer. All for the same price of what used to only fill one small shopping bag.

Adrian and Emiko said...

Nate, your posts are always so pumped up with energy! So awesome. I think that number 5 is one of the best benefits of this Project, and I'm so happy that all 5 of us are doing this to better our current and future health! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Hey Nate...uh....nice nipples.

Nate said...

Ah what an inappropriate comment . . . if it came from none other than the person I know it came from. Classy. lol