Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Past the half-way point! Where am i?

So anyway I'm back after a 3 day hiatus there. The "change of scenery" was a nice break in the pattern even though I had to sleep in my car because my one friend wouldn't stop snoring. Curses.

But we had a blazing bonfire. I learned a ton of cool stuff about bees. Since we camped at my friends farm and they keep 3 huge hives it was really neat. The one apparently has 700 lbs of honey. Crazy! It was really neat to get right next to them and see how they work and communicate it was so cool.

I sadly did not get to do a blazing steel wool trick I wanted to do but playing video games, camping, and burning massive amounts of brush and pallets was fun. And no matter what anyone says that diesel fuel was completely unnecessary my friend Jason and I totally had the fire started even though it was wet from the rain. We rule!

So I wanted to share a few things. One people have really started to notice a difference in how I look now with my clothes on. They are noticing how much more fit and slim I look and that is a huge motivation to keep going. Also I think standing with proper posture (which Patrick e-mailed us about) helps a lot too. Good times.

So I have my updated measurements and a flexing pose that I thought it's time to do so everything can have some hard facts about my progress and how everything is going. Hopefully I can do a nice post tomorrow too about my new pull-up bar. 

So here are the new measurements. Both from last time and over-all.

Weight - 136 lbs (down 5 lbs, down 12 lbs over-all)
Waist - 30.5" (down .25", down 1.5" over-all)
Stomach - 29.75" (down 25", down 3.25" over-all)
Chest - 36" (up .5", down .5" over-all)
Thighs - 19.5" (down .5", up .5" over-all)
Calves - 13.25" (same, down .25" over-all)
Biceps - 12.25" (same, down .25" over-all)
Forearms - 10" (same, down .5" over-all)

I have shrunk! Over-all in everything I have decreased that is so surprising that I was building muscle on places I thought had NO fat (calves, forearms, biceps) man was I wrong! It was everywhere. What proves that is my muscles are bigger but the dimensions and wait still shrunk. Awesome!

So here is pic. Be back later!

Have a great evening world!

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